Thursday, April 20, 2006

COE analysis April 2nd round

Ok, I decided to start a COE analysis one day after the latest COE price is released. Yesterday, the latest results is out and CAT A is $11,901. Same price as last bidding and CAT B is $13,101. Down $301. This might seems COE price is stablising but looking deeper at the number of bids received, you can see that demand has become slower. A few dealers said market is very weak. A quick check at Toyota latest car price shows that they dropped $1k for smaller cc cars and about $2k or more for bigger cc cars. This shows how the market leader feels about the trend of next round COE. So I feel expect to dive further for the next bidding. Those who wish to buy car can wait for a while. I feel $10k COE is about to come again.

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