Sunday, June 28, 2009

Da Vinci The Genius Exhibition 令我嘆為觀止

Science Center 迎進 Da Vinci The Genius exhibition to Singapore and we are the first country in the region to bring in the exhibition directly from Italy. Da Vinci was a renowned renaissance artist, philosopher and scientist etc.. You name it, he was it. Most famous painting should be Mona Lisa and about 25% of the exhibition is on it. used a technique to measure the light reflection from the portrait and they have found that when the portrait was painted 500 years ago, Mona Lisa had six fingers on her left hand. Also of cos there is The Last Supper which is made more famous by the movie The Da Vinci Code. The entrance fee is $15 and it took me 2 hours to finish it. After the exhibition, as usual, I will buy 紀念品﹗呵呵﹗

Friday, June 26, 2009

兩天快樂 at Chalet

It has been a long time I went for a chalet. My family organized a get together at NTUC downtown east chalet. It has changed quite a bit since I last visited there. There is a big mall with many eateries. We BBQ on the first day but 天不作美﹗It rained! But 不幸中的大幸 is the rain becomes much smaller in the evening. So we did managed to have our BBQ.

The second day I did not really did anything. Morning we have our breakfast at the food court. Then, afternoon we had our lunch at the mall and dinner we had some food at Changi Village. The rest of the time is idling in the chalet. Sound bored but I have a good time during these 2 days of leaves! It is an ultimate rest for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

迷上 Facebook

All along I do not like the idea of facebook as I feel it is a bit invasion of privacy as your friends know who you know. That is why I sort of 抗拒。But after many of my friends, colleagues and relatives keep talking to me with facebook language, I decided to create an account to see what they have been up to. Now I have been using facebook to post messages to my friends. Though it is fun, I simply use it to update myself on my friends just like a blog.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

豐富多彩的 Singapore Science Center

It has been a while since I last visited Science Center. I got a corporate pass and bring my family there for a walk. When I step in, then I realized it is so big. It is separated into many themes and have many wonderful exhibition! Throughout this trip, I re-learn many forgotten science facts and knowledge! 簡直是大開眼界﹗There is a section on nano-nanotechnology which is my field of work. The write up is 深入淺出﹐very good for layman! There is even an updated facts on H1N1! I really enjoy very much. But in order to slowly enjoy all exhibitions, I guess you need to plan at least 1 whole day there.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Blood: The Last Vampire B級娛樂

Blood: The Last Vampire is the first Hollywood movie of Gianna Jun (全之賢) but she is let down by the movie. The 造型 suits her and story from anime supposed to be interesting. However, the B grade special effects, senseless killing and bad acting from some supporting casts make it very boring. The ending is to fight with powerful demons but end up it is so easily finished. I am really very let down by the overall package.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

變相 PC Show

This year PC show surprising I gave it a miss. This is because this PC show has become one that I dun recognize any more. Last time, when mention PC show, come flooding into the mind is 便宜﹐賑品。This time round 便宜﹐賑品 also came to mind but just that it is not true. I asked a friend to check out Aigo portable media for me. The sales guy said usual price $499, now selling $399. Good deal right? Wrong! Cos it is usually selling $399 outside. So if you dun keep track of price like my friend, you will just go ahead and bought it. Another is Viewsonic LCD 24" monitor. It is $339. Sounds good? No! Cos 3 months ago it is selling $369 but throw in a HDMI able of $89. So if the deal is not better off than usual or 3 months ago, what for I squeeze my life off to be get cheated?

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Living in 水深火熱之中

It is very hot lately. The temperature 直逼 36 度﹗I have been hiding in the aircon room for as far as I can remember. When I am outside, I sweat like as if I fell into water and and feel hot like I am in a ball of fire. So tell me if am I living in "水深火熱之中" everyday? 呵呵﹗

Thursday, June 04, 2009

生活昇華 @ Orchard

I always wondering how is it living in Orchard road. So I finally 如願以償 to get a chance to live there. I stayed in a penthouse just behind Good Wood Park hotel. The house is nice but not very big. The view is good as it oversees the start of Orchard road. But other than that, it is not as exciting as I thought it would be. Yes, you are living in the heart of Singapore but it is not as exclusive as I would prefer to be.