Friday, October 29, 2010

第十六屆新加坡金曲獎 Winners vs My Prediction

The winner list is out and let me see if my prediction is accurate.

最佳本地歌手獎 - 中
最佳演绎男歌手奖 - 落
最佳演绎女歌手奖- 中
最佳组合奖 - 中
最佳乐团奖 - 中

So 命中率 is 80%. Ha.. Any way, I am not using 誰來誰得獎 policy. That is why I did not predict 最佳演绎男歌手奖 correctly. If not, it will be 100%.

1 comment:

kamagra said...

Very inspiring article .I like it.thanks.