Thursday, June 08, 2006

COE analysis June 1st round

In my last posting, I predicted that COE price should stay about the same or slide. I was wrong cos I forget to take into consideration of the three weeks break. Last round till this round has a three weeks interval instead of the usual two. From the past experience, three weeks break usually will see a substantial rise in COE price. Cat A this round see a large jump posted at $11,202 which is a jump of $1,102. Cat B on the other hand sees a smaller increase to $12,200 which up $399. So does this mean it is end of low COE? My answer is no. According to newspaper, the jump is fuelled by the increasing competition among car dealers by offering attractive packages. Also dun forget the three weeks break condition. A quick check with toyota price list confirms my answer. Cat A COE up about $1k but Toyota dropped its Cat A car price by $1k. Cat B Coe up $399 but Cat B car price dropped $1k! This happens to Nissan too. They even drop $2k to some of their bigger cars! Any way, the situation would be clearer when the next round revert back to two weeks break.

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