Wednesday, May 06, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine 前慢後快﹐但值得一看

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a spin off from X-Men 三步曲。 It is actually considered a prequel to X-Men movie. The show started off a bit slow. However, I think this is due to trying to build up the storyline and focus more on the characters development. Actual Wolverine does not get the best screen time. In fact, Agent Zero and Wade Wilson have a cooler entrance to the movie. But I think Gambit steals the show. Though he is out only at the later part, his screen time has to be the best with stylo display of power. The final part involves young mutants but only 2 display power which a bit boring. Overall, this prequel is rather nice. Got post credit scenes.

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