Sunday, June 28, 2009

Da Vinci The Genius Exhibition 令我嘆為觀止

Science Center 迎進 Da Vinci The Genius exhibition to Singapore and we are the first country in the region to bring in the exhibition directly from Italy. Da Vinci was a renowned renaissance artist, philosopher and scientist etc.. You name it, he was it. Most famous painting should be Mona Lisa and about 25% of the exhibition is on it. used a technique to measure the light reflection from the portrait and they have found that when the portrait was painted 500 years ago, Mona Lisa had six fingers on her left hand. Also of cos there is The Last Supper which is made more famous by the movie The Da Vinci Code. The entrance fee is $15 and it took me 2 hours to finish it. After the exhibition, as usual, I will buy 紀念品﹗呵呵﹗

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