Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shanghai 瀟灑走一回: 世博篇一

I went to Shanghai 世界博覽會 for 3 days as it is impossible to cover everything in a day. Even 3 days are a bit too short as there are many long queues and too many things to see. You basically only can 走馬看花 and forgo pavilions that have extremely long queues day and night. But I managed to cover both Pudong and Puxi in 3 days and entered almost 70% of the pavilions. The rest of 30% just outside taking pictures. Ha! So what are the tips to visit this place?

1. Summer is the vacation of students. The whole place is crawling with them. So best time to visit should be in September or October where kids are back in school. Then, parents bringung them also back to work. So at least half of the people will be gone! Besides September or October is cooler.

2. Never queue up for the pavilion. Trust me! There is no single one pavilion worth queuing for hours! In the pavilion, usually you spend about 15 mins and you spend 6 hours for this? Ha! Unless you are 瘋子 or too free. Dun get me wrong. It is interesting to visit but not to the extent of queuing for hours! So the strategy is to go to visit those pavilions that has no queue one first. There are a lot of pavilions with no queues or constantly moving queues. Usually in the evening to night time, those with queues one are almost gone. Then visit those. Make full use of your time. Dun waste time on queuing.

3. Visit those countries pavilion that you feel you most likely wun visit these countries in your life. Places like Japan, Korea, USA etc.. which you might have great chances to go, dun bother queuing these places. Cos you are better off watching the things in those countries instead at pavilions!

4. Shanghai Expo starts at 9am but I know you heard that people start queuing at 6am! Listen to me. Dun be nuts. Go after 10.30am. The queue at the entrance is long gone at this time. Dun go early and waste time queuing again.

5. Wear comfortable shoes.

6. Walk instead of taking free shuttle bus within Expo. Faster.

I got the 3 days multiple access tickets. It is slightly cheaper than buying 3 individual day ticket.

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