Sunday, May 09, 2010

葉問2 - Fighting 贊

I like the first show of 葉問 and so 葉問2我當然去捧場。果然﹐it is within my expectation. The show continues where it last left off. 葉問 fled to Hong Kong for a new life. This show concerns on his difficulties in settling down in Hong Kong. But of cos it will always end with a final showdown. Chinese vs some other race. Last movie is Chinese vs Japanese. This time round is Chinese vs Caucasians. However, different from last movie is that the opponent this time is more powerful. This makes the show more exciting than just seeing 葉問 beating up the others. Overall, the movements are great, story is nice, actors are good and songs are beautiful.


lock said...

end of this month got 葉問前傳, guess u will not miss it too!

Angela Yip said...

Interesting blogging!

Mike said...

Awesome pics.

Millionaire Online said...

I wonder who's in the starring role? unfortunately I can't read Chinese...