Saturday, January 24, 2009

赤壁:决战天下 - Red Cliff II: 幽默不再﹐沉悶有點

赤壁:决战天下 is a 大製作 many Asians are looking forward. After the rather nice first part last year, many are looking forward to the actual 赤壁之戰。However, 期望越高﹐失望越高。This time you will not see corny dialogue, which in my opinions, lift up the show a bit. The nice fighting scenes in Red Cliff I are also gone. What is left over is huge bombing and fire scenes. But luckily, they did show some 三十六計。I have not read 三國誌 or 三國演義。So I do not have 歷史的包袱。Those who had said the whole show distorted the truth. So it depends on which category of people you are in. Overall, this show is a bit too draggy at the front part. The saving grace will be when the actual battle begins which is much later part of the show.

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